The Cherokee County Educational Foundation | Educate. Innovate. Celebrate. | Click Here to Donate
Individual Donors

Golden Apples

Dr. Brian V. Hightower
Mark and Peggy Moore
Billy Hayes, Board President
Steve and Cristal Stancil
Dr. Austin and Bea Flint
Rick and Angelia Beaulieu
Mark and Peggy Moore
Billy Hayes, Board President
Steve and Cristal Stancil
Dr. Austin and Bea Flint
Rick and Angelia Beaulieu
Gala Red Apples

Board Chair Kyla Cromer
Norma Jean C Jordan
Mark Harville
Travis and Michelle Durham
Ryan and Nicole Dailey
McIntosh Apples

Lisa-Marie Haygood, Board Executive Director
Granny Smith Apples

Senator Brandon Beach
Cindy and Scott Echols
State Representative Mandi Ballinger
State Representative Wes Cantrell
Jim and Linda Perry
Cindy and Scott Echols
State Representative Mandi Ballinger
State Representative Wes Cantrell
Jim and Linda Perry
CCEF Red Apples

Candler Howell, Board Treasurer
Kelly Poole, School Board Vice Chair
Kevin Williams, Board Vice President
Kenneth Owen, CFO CCSD
Mike McGowan, CCSD Chief of Staff
Kathy Strom, Board Secretary
Arlene Dickerson
Dawn Stastny
Joe Brownlee
Dr. Ann Gazell
Brian Albrecht
Jerry Cooper
Mark Waterbury
Olga Spivey, Cherokee County Council of PTA
Rebecca Johnston
Shuntel Beach
Tony Harrison
Sharon Booz
Steve Divine
Zach Blend
State Representative Michael Caldwell
Telly McGaha
Jamice Obianyo
Roger Warlick
Susan Harrison